Kids in the Creek

The Clear Creek Student Restoration and Monitoring Project is a collaborative service-learning project that teaches and provides educational experiences about the Upper Clear Creek watershed in Shasta County, California. This project is located on French Gulch Creek near the town of French Gulch  and aims to assist students from three local schools with studying, restoring, and monitoring riparian habitat severely burned during the August 2004 French Fire.

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Watershed by Heidi (7th Grade)

In our Watershed, we are working on helping this area from a disastrous fire that occured on August 14, 2004. What we do in the Watershed is test water quality, cut down the non- native plants (invasive plants), and planting native plants. We use kick nets to catch aquatic invertebrates for study, and we set down tracking plates to see what animals have gone by. We have done a lot, but we still have a lot to do.